APRASSA Congress and ISAPS Symposium on Facial Aesthetics 2024

Call for Abstracts

We have limited spots available for consultant talks and registrar talks. All submitted abstracts will be considered for either a poster or oral presentation.

You are  invited to submit your abstracts for consideration in the final program of the APRASSA Congress and  ISAPS Symposium  2024. You have the choice to submit either an oral or poster presentation. Both presentation formats hold equal significance, but opting for a poster session allows us to accommodate more presenters.

Please note that depending on the number of abstracts received, the program committee may allocate some presentations to the poster session. Candidates selected for a poster presentation will receive detailed specifications for their posters.

We appreciate your participation and look forward to receiving abstracts for the APRASSA 2024 Congress.

The abstract deadline has been extended to 17 June 2024.

Click here for the Abstract Template

Abstracts not using the template will not be accepted.
Please ensure your email address is included.

Guidelines for writing an abstract:

  • Type the title in CAPITAL LETTERS, using no more than twenty (20) words.
  • The presenter’s name should be underlined.
  • Indicate department and/or institution of first author.
  • The abstract must be typed in single space using 12 point Arial Font with 2.5cm margins on all sides of the page.
  • Abstracts should be approximately 250 words or less without editorial errors.
  • English will be the language for all presentations.
  • All abstracts will be reviewed and may be selected for oral presentation or poster presentation or may be rejected.
  • Time allotted for Consultants: 10 minutes presentation and 5 minutes for questions.
  • Time allotted to Registrars: 7 minutes presentation and 3 minutes for questions.
  • Proofread your abstract for typographic errors.  It will not be corrected prior to publication.
  • Notification of acceptance or rejection by the Scientific Committee will be emailed to the presenting author by 1 July 2024
  • Depending on the number of abstracts received, some may be selected for poster presentation. Details will be supplied by 1 August 2024.


Please upload your abstract to the Dropbox at the link below.

Only abstracts must be uploaded, no presentations may be uploaded.
Presenting authors will be requested to bring their presentation to the congress. Further instructions will follow.

Submission Link

  • Name the file – SURNAME, INITIAL e.g. Cloete  D
  • Changes to your abstract – resend the file labelled SURNAME, INITIAL, REVISED  e.g. Cloete D revised.


Please note that there have been updates to last year’s presentation instructions. All presentations will be conducted from our MacBook at the podium, allowing compatibility with both Microsoft PowerPoint and Apple Keynote.

  • Presenters must please adhere to the time allotted to them.
  • All presenters are required to submit their presentation file on a USB memory stick during registration on the first day of the congress.
  • A technician will be available at the Speaker Preparation Desk to assist speakers to upload their presentations. Presentation files must be named with the presenting authors family name and first name.
  • It is not possible to use your own computer for your presentation.
  • Presenters must meet with the chairperson 15 minutes early to familiarize themselves with the set up.
  • If your presentation contains links to video files. You must bring not only your Presentation file but also your video files to the operator. All videos linked to the presentation slides must be checked to ensure proper functioning.


  • Presenting authors of orals must upload their presentations at our Speaker Preparation Desk at the Congress at least one day prior  to their session.
  • Those presenting on the first day must upload their presentation during registration on the first day of the congress.


We would like to thank Smith & Nephew and the Smile Foundation for their generous support enabling us to greatly reduce the full registration fee of R13 800 to R6 500 for registrars. This is the first time that registrars will have the opportunity to attend both the ISAPS Symposium and the APRASSA Congress combined under a single registration fee.